Magia Record English Wiki
m (add empty parameters)
(Added quote TLs. Credits for TL'ing quote 17 (Magical Release 2) go to Alina's Worst Artwork and credits for JP transcriptions mostly go to the Aruma wiki.)
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|Japanese Self introduction = 我はハロウィンが生んだ魔法少女、マジカルかりん。お菓子をくれたらトリックアンドトリートでイタズラしてやるのだ。え?うん、オアじゃなくてアンドなの。お菓子をくれたら魔女を倒すイタズラをするってそういう設定なの。格好いいでしょ?
| id = 1012
|Self introduction = I am Magical Girl born from Halloween, "Magical Karin". If you give me candy, I'll cause a "Trick and Treat" mischief! Eh? Yeah, it's should be "and", not "or". It's a setting where I cause mischief in form of defeating a witch in exchange for sweets. Cool, right?
| Japanese Self introduction =
|id = 1012
| Self introduction =
| Japanese Strengthening complete =
|Japanese Strengthening complete = 先輩にバカにされる絵、これで少しは上手くなったと思うの。
| Strengthening complete =
|Strengthening complete = The drawing that senpai dismissed as stupid before turned out a little better this time, I think!
| Japanese Strengthening max =
|Japanese Strengthening max = 先輩、見てみて下さい。私の絵ちょっとは上達したの。
| Strengthening max =
|Strengthening max = Please watch me, senpai! My drawing skills have gotten somewhat better!
| Japanese Episode lvl up =
|Japanese Episode lvl up = これは我と人々を繋ぐ物語の1ページ。
|Episode lvl up = This opens up yet another page of the story that links me with other people.
| Episode lvl up =
|Japanese Magical release 1 = あのね、「怪盗少女マジカルきりん」って言う漫画があってね、それはお婆ちゃんと私と繋いでくれた、思い出の漫画なの。
| Japanese Magical release 1 =
|Magical release 1 = Did you know, there's a manga called "Phantom Thief☆Magical Kirin", and it connected me with my grandma, it's the manga of my memories!
| Magical release 1 =
|Japanese Magical release 2 = 盗まれた神の品を取り返す為に、悪魔を払ったり、敵のボスが好きな男の子だったり、「怪盗少女マジカルきりん」は大興奮なの!
| Japanese Magical release 2 =
|Magical release 2 = Exorcising devils to retrieve God’s stolen artifacts, and revealing that the boy Kirin liked was actually the enemy boss: The Phantom Thief Magical Kirin is so exciting!
| Magical release 2 =
|Japanese Magical release 3 = 「怪盗少女マジカルきりん」第三十は[トリックアンドトリート: 奇跡の悪魔払い]は私にとって魔法少女ペースになってるの。
| Japanese Magical release 3 =
|Magical release 3 = Phantom Thief☆Magical Kirin's 30th issue "Trick and Treat: Miraculous Exorcism" is giving me an example to follow as a magical girl!
| Magical release 3 =
| Japanese Magia lvl up =
|Japanese Magia lvl up = ふっふっふ。我が紅蓮のかぼちゃに、新たな煉獄の炎が宿ったのだ。
|Magia lvl up = Fu fu fu... A new flame of purgatory has dwelled inside of my crimson pumpkin.
| Magia lvl up =
| Japanese Awaken 1 =
|Japanese Awaken 1 = みんなが居て強くなれたから、今は私がみんなを助けるの。
|Awaken 1 = I was able to grow stronger because everyone was here with me, so now it's my turn to save them.
| Awaken 1 =
|Japanese Awaken 2 = あの時の私は偽物のヒーローだったの。でも、今の私は違う。胸を張ってみんなのために戦ってるって言えるの。
| Japanese Awaken 2 =
|Awaken 2 = The past me was a false hero. But, now I'm different. Now I'm able to puff up with pride and fight for everybody's sake.
| Awaken 2 =
|Japanese Awaken 3 = 我は、マジカルかりんを越えた、マジカルかりんフルムーン! ハロウィンの力と満月の力を与えられた、魔界の魔法少女! この白銀の大鎌で、魔女の魂を狩り尽くすのだ!…やったあ、全部言えたの。
| Japanese Awaken 3 =
|Awaken 3 = I am the one who was able to exceed Magical Karin, — Magical Karin Full Moon! The one who was bestowed the power of Halloween and the power of full moon, magical girl of hell! Using this silver scythe, I will hunt down the witch's soul!... Yay, I was able to say it all!
| Awaken 3 =
|Japanese First login of the day = ふっふっふっ。よく今日もハロウィンが生んだ魔法少女、マジカルかりんの前に現れたのだ。さぁ行くぞ。弱き者を助けに。
| Japanese Unused 2 =
|First login of the day = Fufufu. How nice that you have appeared before the magical girl born on Halloween, Magical Karin, today! Now, let us go onward! To aid the weak!
| Unused 2 =
|Japanese Morning = まっまた寝坊しちゃった。どうして漫画って読み始めたら止まらなくなるの。本棚にあるだけで夜更かししちゃうの。
| Japanese First login of the day =
|Morning = I-I overslept again! Why do I become unable to stop once I start reading manga!? Just having something at the bookshelf is enough for me to stay up late...
| First login of the day =
|Japanese Noon = いつの間にかお昼休みなの。知らないうちにずっとお絵かきばっかりしてたの。でもこれ、今までで一番いい出来かもしれないの。
| Japanese Morning =
|Noon = The lunch break is here before I knew it! I spent the whole time drawing and didn't notice. But this might be the best work I've drawn yet!
| Morning =
|Japanese Evening = そろそろ夕飯なの。私が好きなのはもちろんパンプキンスープ・・・嘘なの。ほんとはお母さんのポトフが好きなの。
| Japanese Noon =
|Evening = It's almost time for dinner. What I love the most is, of course, pumpkin soup!... I lied. In truth, my mother's pot-au-feu is my favorite.
| Noon =
|Japanese Night = 雑誌に単行本にウェブにアプリ、もう世の中漫画だらけなの。これじゃ今日も眠れないの。でも、その前に宿題しなきゃなの。
| Japanese Evening =
|Night = In magazines, volumes, and web applications.. There is just too much manga in the world! At this rate I won't be able to sleep today. But before that I still have to do my homework...
| Evening =
|Japanese Other times = マジカルかりんを演じてたらね、最近コスプレも面白いかもしれないって思い始めたの。みんな、あれって手作りなの?
| Japanese Night =
|Other times = While performing as Magical Karin, these days I've started thinking that getting into cosplay might be fun too. Does everyone craft them by hand?
| Night =
|Japanese AP full = 魔女の反応を感じるの。もしかしたら苦戦してる魔法少女がいるかもしれない。ふっふっふっ、マジカルかりんの出番なのだ。
| Japanese Other times =
|AP full = I sense a reaction from the witch! Perhaps there is a magical girl fighting a hard battle inside! Fufufu, it's Magical Karin's turn now!
| Other times =
|Japanese BP full = 鏡の魔女。コピーされた自分に遭ったら大変なことになりそうなの。きっと、盗み合いになっちゃうの。
| Japanese AP full =
|BP full = Mirrors Witch. If I were to meet the me that was copied, it could end up with a disaster. Surely, she'd commit thievery.
| AP full =
|Japanese Unused 3 = 助けを求める人のところに、マジカルかりんあり!助けを求めるものは天高くお菓子を掲げるのだ!トリックアンドトリート!
| Japanese BP full =
|Unused 3 = If somebody is out there asking for help, Magical Karin is present! People asking for help put up a pile of sweets that soars high into the sky! Trick and treat!
| BP full =
|Japanese Tap 1 = ハロウィンって、この世とあの世が繋がって、魔物がやってくる日なの。だから似たような姿に仮装するって聞いたことがあるの。
| Japanese Unused 3 =
|Tap 1 = Halloween connects this world to the Otherworld, and is the day when evil spirits come around. I heard that's why you have to wear a costume that resembles them.
| Unused 3 =
|Japanese Tap 2 = お菓子を配るのって魔物が家に入って来ないようにするためってきいたの。だから私もお菓子を貰ったら助けるの。
| Japanese Tap 1 =
|Tap 2 = I heard that you offer sweets to evil spirits so that they won't get into your house. That is why I help out others after receiving sweets too!
| Tap 1 =
|Japanese Tap 3 = 私のお祖母ちゃん、ジャックさんと同じように地獄にも天国にも行けずにランタンを持って彷徨い続けるって思ってたの。
| Japanese Tap 2 =
|Tap 3 = My grandma... In the same way as Jack-san, she kept wandering about, unable to go to Hell or Heaven, while holding a lantern, is what I thought.
| Tap 2 =
|Japanese Tap 4 = ふぁーなんて言えばいいのか分からないけど。ワクワクしてロマンチックで、でも、サスペンスを感じる漫画って知ってる?
| Japanese Tap 3 =
|Tap 4 = Hmm... I don't know what I should say but, do you know any exciting and romantic manga that also gives you a feeling of suspense?
| Tap 3 =
|Japanese Tap 5 = 明るいねって言われるけどうるさいのは好きじゃないの。だから、ずっと黙って絵を描いてるアリナ先輩と居るのは、心地良いの。
| Japanese Tap 4 =
|Tap 5 = "It's bright, isn't it" is what I say, but I don't like noise. So I find being with Alina-senpai who is always silent while paintng a picture comfortable.
| Tap 4 =
|Japanese Tap 6 = クールだけど愛を感じるやちよさんと、ドライでミステリアスなアリナ先輩。タイプが違うから比べられないけどどっちも素敵なの。
| Japanese Tap 5 =
|Tap 6 = Cool but affectionate Yachiyo-san, and cold and mysterious Alina-senpai. Their types differ so you can't make a comparison, but they're both great!
| Tap 5 =
|Japanese Tap 7 = 自分が逆境に負けてた時に思ったの。おばあちゃんは、ずっとつらい毎日だったのに、弱い自分と向き合ってただなんて、すごいなって。
| Japanese Tap 6 =
|Tap 7 = When I was about to lose against adversity I thought. That it's amazing how despite every day being tough for grandma she was able to oppose her weak self.
| Tap 6 =
|Japanese Tap 8 = 大人の人の人生を聞いてるとね、わたしって、いろんな人の、大変だった時期に支えられてるから、幸せなんだって、ほんと、そう思うの。
| Japanese Tap 7 =
|Tap 8 = Hearing about adults' life reminds me that I was able to support so many people at their difficult time, and that is what makes me happy, I genuinely feel so.
| Tap 7 =
|Japanese Tap 9 = ふっ…我を呼び覚ましてしまったな。我はマジカルかりんの裏の顔……シニカルかりん。なーんて、うっそ〜なの♪
| Japanese Tap 8 =
|Tap 9 = Heh! So you were the one who called upon me... I am the other side of Magical Karin — Cynical Karin! Just kidding, it's a joke♪
| Tap 8 =
| Japanese Tap 9 =
|Japanese Battle start = マジカルかりん、ここに登場!
|Battle start = Magical Karin makes her entrance!
| Tap 9 =
| Japanese Battle start =
|Japanese Battle victory 1 = これぞハッピーハロウィーン
| Battle start =
|Battle victory 1 = This is Happy Halloween!
| Japanese Battle victory 1 = これぞハッピーハロウィーン
|Japanese Battle victory 2 = この大鎌に狩ぬものはない
| Battle victory 1 =
|Battle victory 2 = Nothing can hunt down this scythe!
| Japanese Battle victory 2 = 大鎌に狩れぬものはない
|Japanese Battle victory 3 = 次はお菓子を持ってきたら許す
| Battle victory 2 =
|Battle victory 3 = Bring sweets next time and I'll let you off.
| Japanese Battle victory 3 = 次はお菓子を持ってきら許すのだ
|Japanese Unused 5 = これぞ、あの世から来魔物の力なのだ
|Unused 5 = This is the power of evil spirits that came from the Otherworld.
| Battle victory 3 =
| Japanese Unused 5 = これぞあの世から来た魔物なの
|Japanese Chapter select 1 = マジカルきりんは思い出漫画なの
|Chapter select 1 = Magical Kirin is the manga of my memories.
| Unused 5 =
| Japanese Chapter select 1 = マジカルりんは、思出の漫画な
|Japanese Chapter select 2 = アリナ先輩、絵の描方を教えて欲しいの
| Chapter select 1 =
|Chapter select 2 = Alina-senpai, I want you to teach me how to draw!
| Japanese Chapter select 2 = アリナ先輩、絵の描教えて欲しいの!
|Japanese Chapter select 3 = 我は弱魔法少女助ける、マジカルかりん
| Chapter select 2 =
|Chapter select 3 = I am one who saves weak magical girls, Magical Karin!
| Japanese Chapter select 3 = 弱き魔法少女助ける、マジカルかり
|Japanese Chapter select 4 = ハロウィンわたしだ特別な日なの
| Chapter select 3 =
|Chapter select 4 = Halloween is a special day that I was born from.
| Japanese Chapter select 4 = ハロウィンはわたしを生んだ特別な日な
|Japanese Chapter select 5 = みんなのおかげで新い生き方見つけた
| Chapter select 4 =
|Chapter select 5 = Thanks to everyone I was able to fing a new way of life!
| Japanese Chapter select 5 = なのおかげで新しい生き方を見つ
|Japanese Chapter select 6 = おばあちゃは私が助
| Chapter select 5 =
|Chapter select 6 = I will save my grandma!
| Japanese Chapter select 6 = おばあちんは私が助ける
|Japanese Unused 1 = トリックオアじなくてトリックアンドな
|Unused 1 = It's not "trick or", it's "trick and".
| Chapter select 6 =
|Chapter end 1 = Magical Karin is in peril...What will happen next!...
| Japanese Unused 1 = トリックオアじゃなくてトリックアンドなの
|Chapter end 2 = I was lying to myself and became useless...
| Unused 1 =
|Chapter end 3 = There are people that shine this much among the magical girls...
| Japanese Chapter end 1 =
| Chapter end 1 =
|Disc select 1 = This!
|Disc select 2 = Yes!
| Japanese Chapter end 2 =
| Chapter end 2 =
|Disc select 3 = Yeah!
|Disc select 4 = Here I go!
| Japanese Chapter end 3 =
|Connect to self from ally disc select = I'll help you out..
| Chapter end 3 =
|Connect from self to ally disc select = How's this?
| Japanese Disc select 1 =
|Attack 1 = I'll reap you in an instant!
| Disc select 1 =
|Attack 2 = Even if you don't like it!
| Japanese Disc select 2 =
|Attack 3 = Trick and treat!
| Disc select 2 =
|Attack 4 = Got it!
| Japanese Disc select 3 =
|Attack 5 = Found it!
| Disc select 3 =
|Attack 7 = Next!
| Japanese Disc select 4 =
|Attack 8 = I'll take it!
| Disc select 4 =
|Attack 9 = This is the end!
| Japanese Connect to self from ally disc select =
|Attack 10 = Received it!
| Connect to self from ally disc select =
| Japanese Connect from self to ally disc select =
|Connect to self from ally Attack = Hm, I am grateful!
| Connect from self to ally disc select =
|Connect from self to ally = I will now lend you my power!
|Magia 1 = The ancient spirits sealed in another world!
| Japanese Attack 1 =
|Magia 2 = Bestow me the wandering purgatory's power!
| Attack 1 =
|Magia 3 = Here I go, this is going to be the materialization of all of my magical powers!
| Japanese Attack 2 =
|Magia 4 = This is the power born on Halloween!
| Attack 2 =
|Doppel = This is my true nature!
| Japanese Attack 3 =
| Attack 3 =
|Taking damage = Ah!
|Taking damage while at critical health = Augh..
| Japanese Attack 4 =
|Dying = Grandma..
| Attack 4 =
|Gacha introduction = I am Magical Karin, magical girl born on Halloween!... Is the setting I use while fighting. My name is Misono Karin. Please treat me well from now on.
| Japanese Attack 5 =
|Random 1 = Not yet!
| Attack 5 =
|Random 2 = Accept this!
| Japanese Attack 6 =
|Random 3 = Won't let you!
| Attack 6 =
| Japanese Attack 7 =
| Attack 7 =
| Japanese Attack 8 =
| Attack 8 =
| Japanese Attack 9 =
| Attack 9 =
| Japanese Attack 10 =
| Attack 10 =
| Japanese Connect to self from ally Attack =
| Connect to self from ally Attack =
| Japanese Connect from self to ally =
| Connect from self to ally =
| Japanese Magia 1 =
| Magia 1 =
| Japanese Magia 2 =
| Magia 2 =
| Japanese Magia 3 =
| Magia 3 =
| Japanese Magia 4 =
| Magia 4 =
| Japanese Doppel =
| Doppel = This is my true nature!
| Japanese Taking damage =
| Taking damage =
| Japanese Taking damage while at critical health =
| Taking damage while at critical health =
| Japanese Dying =
| Dying =
| Japanese Gacha introduction =
| Gacha introduction =
| Japanese Random 1 =
| Random 1 =
| Japanese Random 2 =
| Random 2 =
| Japanese Random 3 =
| Random 3 =

Revision as of 20:05, 21 September 2018

Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] 我はハロウィンが生んだ魔法少女、マジカルかりん。お菓子をくれたらトリックアンドトリートでイタズラしてやるのだ。え?うん、オアじゃなくてアンドなの。お菓子をくれたら魔女を倒すイタズラをするってそういう設定なの。格好いいでしょ?
[TL] I am Magical Girl born from Halloween, "Magical Karin". If you give me candy, I'll cause a "Trick and Treat" mischief! Eh? Yeah, it's should be "and", not "or". It's a setting where I cause mischief in form of defeating a witch in exchange for sweets. Cool, right?

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I am Magical Karin, magical girl born on Halloween!... Is the setting I use while fighting. My name is Misono Karin. Please treat me well from now on.

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Magical Karin is in peril...What will happen next!...

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I was lying to myself and became useless...

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] There are people that shine this much among the magical girls...

Story Select 1
[JP] マジカルきりんは、思い出の漫画なの
[TL] Magical Kirin is the manga of my memories.

Story Select 2
[JP] アリナ先輩、絵の描き方を教えて欲しいの!
[TL] Alina-senpai, I want you to teach me how to draw!

Story Select 3
[JP] 我は弱き魔法少女を助ける、マジカルかりん
[TL] I am one who saves weak magical girls, Magical Karin!

Story Select 4
[JP] ハロウィンはわたしを生んだ特別な日なの
[TL] Halloween is a special day that I was born from.

Story Select 5
[JP] みんなのおかげで新しい生き方を見つけたの
[TL] Thanks to everyone I was able to fing a new way of life!

Story Select 6
[JP] おばあちゃんは私が助けるの!
[TL] I will save my grandma!

Unused 1
[JP] トリックオアじゃなくてトリックアンドなの
[TL] It's not "trick or", it's "trick and".


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] 先輩にバカにされる絵、これで少しは上手くなったと思うの。
[TL] The drawing that senpai dismissed as stupid before turned out a little better this time, I think!

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] 先輩、見てみて下さい。私の絵ちょっとは上達したの。
[TL] Please watch me, senpai! My drawing skills have gotten somewhat better!

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] これは我と人々を繋ぐ物語の1ページ。
[TL] This opens up yet another page of the story that links me with other people.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] あのね、「怪盗少女マジカルきりん」って言う漫画があってね、それはお婆ちゃんと私と繋いでくれた、思い出の漫画なの。
[TL] Did you know, there's a manga called "Phantom Thief☆Magical Kirin", and it connected me with my grandma, it's the manga of my memories!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] 盗まれた神の品を取り返す為に、悪魔を払ったり、敵のボスが好きな男の子だったり、「怪盗少女マジカルきりん」は大興奮なの!
[TL] Exorcising devils to retrieve God’s stolen artifacts, and revealing that the boy Kirin liked was actually the enemy boss: The Phantom Thief Magical Kirin is so exciting!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] 「怪盗少女マジカルきりん」第三十は[トリックアンドトリート: 奇跡の悪魔払い]は私にとって魔法少女ペースになってるの。
[TL] Phantom Thief☆Magical Kirin's 30th issue "Trick and Treat: Miraculous Exorcism" is giving me an example to follow as a magical girl!

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] ふっふっふ。我が紅蓮のかぼちゃに、新たな煉獄の炎が宿ったのだ。
[TL] Fu fu fu... A new flame of purgatory has dwelled inside of my crimson pumpkin.

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] みんなが居て強くなれたから、今は私がみんなを助けるの。
[TL] I was able to grow stronger because everyone was here with me, so now it's my turn to save them.

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] あの時の私は偽物のヒーローだったの。でも、今の私は違う。胸を張ってみんなのために戦ってるって言えるの。
[TL] The past me was a false hero. But, now I'm different. Now I'm able to puff up with pride and fight for everybody's sake.

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] 我は、マジカルかりんを越えた、マジカルかりんフルムーン! ハロウィンの力と満月の力を与えられた、魔界の魔法少女! この白銀の大鎌で、魔女の魂を狩り尽くすのだ!…やったあ、全部言えたの。
[TL] I am the one who was able to exceed Magical Karin, — Magical Karin Full Moon! The one who was bestowed the power of Halloween and the power of full moon, magical girl of hell! Using this silver scythe, I will hunt down the witch's soul!... Yay, I was able to say it all!

Unused 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] ふっふっふっ。よく今日もハロウィンが生んだ魔法少女、マジカルかりんの前に現れたのだ。さぁ行くぞ。弱き者を助けに。
[TL] Fufufu. How nice that you have appeared before the magical girl born on Halloween, Magical Karin, today! Now, let us go onward! To aid the weak!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] まっまた寝坊しちゃった。どうして漫画って読み始めたら止まらなくなるの。本棚にあるだけで夜更かししちゃうの。
[TL] I-I overslept again! Why do I become unable to stop once I start reading manga!? Just having something at the bookshelf is enough for me to stay up late...

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] いつの間にかお昼休みなの。知らないうちにずっとお絵かきばっかりしてたの。でもこれ、今までで一番いい出来かもしれないの。
[TL] The lunch break is here before I knew it! I spent the whole time drawing and didn't notice. But this might be the best work I've drawn yet!

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] そろそろ夕飯なの。私が好きなのはもちろんパンプキンスープ・・・嘘なの。ほんとはお母さんのポトフが好きなの。
[TL] It's almost time for dinner. What I love the most is, of course, pumpkin soup!... I lied. In truth, my mother's pot-au-feu is my favorite.

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] 雑誌に単行本にウェブにアプリ、もう世の中漫画だらけなの。これじゃ今日も眠れないの。でも、その前に宿題しなきゃなの。
[TL] In magazines, volumes, and web applications.. There is just too much manga in the world! At this rate I won't be able to sleep today. But before that I still have to do my homework...

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] マジカルかりんを演じてたらね、最近コスプレも面白いかもしれないって思い始めたの。みんな、あれって手作りなの?
[TL] While performing as Magical Karin, these days I've started thinking that getting into cosplay might be fun too. Does everyone craft them by hand?

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] 魔女の反応を感じるの。もしかしたら苦戦してる魔法少女がいるかもしれない。ふっふっふっ、マジカルかりんの出番なのだ。
[TL] I sense a reaction from the witch! Perhaps there is a magical girl fighting a hard battle inside! Fufufu, it's Magical Karin's turn now!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] 鏡の魔女。コピーされた自分に遭ったら大変なことになりそうなの。きっと、盗み合いになっちゃうの。
[TL] Mirrors Witch. If I were to meet the me that was copied, it could end up with a disaster. Surely, she'd commit thievery.

Unused 3
[JP] 助けを求める人のところに、マジカルかりんあり!助けを求めるものは天高くお菓子を掲げるのだ!トリックアンドトリート!
[TL] If somebody is out there asking for help, Magical Karin is present! People asking for help put up a pile of sweets that soars high into the sky! Trick and treat!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] ハロウィンって、この世とあの世が繋がって、魔物がやってくる日なの。だから似たような姿に仮装するって聞いたことがあるの。
[TL] Halloween connects this world to the Otherworld, and is the day when evil spirits come around. I heard that's why you have to wear a costume that resembles them.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] お菓子を配るのって魔物が家に入って来ないようにするためってきいたの。だから私もお菓子を貰ったら助けるの。
[TL] I heard that you offer sweets to evil spirits so that they won't get into your house. That is why I help out others after receiving sweets too!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] 私のお祖母ちゃん、ジャックさんと同じように地獄にも天国にも行けずにランタンを持って彷徨い続けるって思ってたの。
[TL] My grandma... In the same way as Jack-san, she kept wandering about, unable to go to Hell or Heaven, while holding a lantern, is what I thought.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] ふぁーなんて言えばいいのか分からないけど。ワクワクしてロマンチックで、でも、サスペンスを感じる漫画って知ってる?
[TL] Hmm... I don't know what I should say but, do you know any exciting and romantic manga that also gives you a feeling of suspense?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] 明るいねって言われるけどうるさいのは好きじゃないの。だから、ずっと黙って絵を描いてるアリナ先輩と居るのは、心地良いの。
[TL] "It's bright, isn't it" is what I say, but I don't like noise. So I find being with Alina-senpai who is always silent while paintng a picture comfortable.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] クールだけど愛を感じるやちよさんと、ドライでミステリアスなアリナ先輩。タイプが違うから比べられないけどどっちも素敵なの。
[TL] Cool but affectionate Yachiyo-san, and cold and mysterious Alina-senpai. Their types differ so you can't make a comparison, but they're both great!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] 自分が逆境に負けてた時に思ったの。おばあちゃんは、ずっとつらい毎日だったのに、弱い自分と向き合ってただなんて、すごいなって。
[TL] When I was about to lose against adversity I thought. That it's amazing how despite every day being tough for grandma she was able to oppose her weak self.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] 大人の人の人生を聞いてるとね、わたしって、いろんな人の、大変だった時期に支えられてるから、幸せなんだって、ほんと、そう思うの。
[TL] Hearing about adults' life reminds me that I was able to support so many people at their difficult time, and that is what makes me happy, I genuinely feel so.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] ふっ…我を呼び覚ましてしまったな。我はマジカルかりんの裏の顔……シニカルかりん。なーんて、うっそ〜なの♪
[TL] Heh! So you were the one who called upon me... I am the other side of Magical Karin — Cynical Karin! Just kidding, it's a joke♪


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] マジカルかりん、ここに登場!
[TL] Magical Karin makes her entrance!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] これぞハッピーハロウィーン
[TL] This is Happy Halloween!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] この大鎌に狩れぬものはない
[TL] Nothing can hunt down this scythe!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] 次はお菓子を持ってきたら許すのだ
[TL] Bring sweets next time and I'll let you off.

Unused 5
[JP] これぞ、あの世から来た魔物の力なのだ
[TL] This is the power of evil spirits that came from the Otherworld.


Disc Select 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] This!

Disc Select 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Yes!

Disc Select 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Yeah!

Disc Select 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Here I go!

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] How's this?

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I'll help you out..

Attack 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I'll reap you in an instant!

Attack 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Even if you don't like it!

Attack 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Trick and treat!

Attack 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Got it!

Attack 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Found it!

Attack 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Next!

Attack 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I'll take it!

Attack 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] This is the end!

Attack 10
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Received it!

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] The ancient spirits sealed in another world!
Magia (2)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Bestow me the wandering purgatory's power!
Magia (3)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Here I go, this is going to be the materialization of all of my magical powers!
Magia (4)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] This is the power born on Halloween!
Doppel (Note: While most characters have Doppel sounds, this does not imply a release of the character's Doppel any time in the foreseeable future)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] This is my true nature!
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I will now lend you my power!
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Hm, I am grateful!

Actives on Self
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Not yet!

Actives on Allies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Accept this!

Actives on Enemies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Won't let you!

Taking Damage
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Ah!

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Augh..

[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Grandma..